Found 2 blog entries tagged as lead paint.

Real Estate Word of the Day: Lead Paint

Lead paint, once a common feature in homes built before 1978, poses serious health risks, especially to children and pregnant women. This type of paint contains lead, a toxic metal that can cause various health issues when ingested or inhaled. While lead-based paint is usually not harmful when intact, it becomes hazardous when it deteriorates, peels, or is disturbed during renovation or repair work.

Health Risks Associated with Lead Exposure

Exposure to lead, even in small amounts, can lead to severe health problems. Lead exposure can impair cognitive function, leading to learning disabilities, behavioral issues, and decreased IQ levels in children. Fetuses and young children are particularly vulnerable…

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When looking to buy a new home, there are so many factors to consider. As a vigilant new homeowner, you want to make sure that your house or apartment is a safe and comfortable place. One thing that is of the utmost importance for your families safety is an absence of lead paint. Lead is an extremely toxic metal that was once a popular base in the paint. This material can be seriously detrimental to the health of you and your family. Luckily, the state and the federal government have taken steps to outlaw the use of lead paint, with various Lead Paint Laws.

What is the Lead Paint Law?

In 1978, the federal government officially outlawed the use of lead-based paint in residential buildings. This was after many state governments had independently…

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